Justin's 28th birthday was on the 31st. Most times, i never know what to get him. We always buy games and dvds and electronics, so there goes those ideas. But this year was different, thank goodness! Our first birthdays celebrating as a married couple and i think i did very well this year! Since we're headed to Vegas soon, he wanted a little video recorder. Sure, our little point and shoot takes videos, but he wanted a recorder that was specifically for that and didnt really look like one, but more like a cell phone, and it had to have a slot for a memory card, not just internal memory. So he ended up getting this little kodak one, the
Zi6. He loves it. He even took it out shooting the guns with the neighbors this morning, and then afterwards, they liked it so much, they went and got one too! I also picked him up the Madagascar 1 & 2 DVDs. He always sings the little bit "I like to move it move it" but we didnt have the dvd yet surprisingly. So he was happy. His request to his parents for his birthday, was to cook fried cauliflower. That stuff is a mess! So we went to their house for dinner and cake and presents....
We still have a fridge full of this stuff. I know what he's having for lunch tomorrow. and dinner tonight. and a snack the next day.
He's been on this snickers ice cream kick, so i told his mom to get him an ice cream cake. and now i know what im having for dessert tonight. bwaha
Mussssstang ;)
I might steal the tshirt from him. tehe
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