Theresa emailed me describing her location of choice for her session, and the last sentence was "what better way to remember how our lives started and what they have become now than to go back to the place where we became husband and wife?" The location she was talking about was Oakwind Bed & Breakfast in Alvin, TX. As long as I lived in Alvin, and within minutes of this place, I'd never been. But I knew right away how awesome it was going to be. It wasn't because of the big red barn and oak tree she mentioned. It was going to be awesome because of the memories she had there, and the ones we were about to create. So I met Theresa and her firefighter husband and two little ones in Alvin a couple weeks ago for this mini session. Before we left, I was able to see photos from their wedding years ago, taken under the very same oak tree. That. is. awesome. Thank you for sharing those memories with me y'all. I know the children will appreciate the old/new combo of photos when they're older.

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